We provide you with a small example application to get started with Nemo. The example implementation is located at:
You will need to start up multiple instances of this multicast agent, each with a different functionality:
You need to pass the correct classpath with all the dependency in order to start the multicast agents. Following a small bash script to facilitate this task:
#!/bin/bash java \ -mx128m \ -classpath \ nemo-1.0.jar:\ heimdall-1.0.jar:\ jug-1.1.jar:\ commons-logging-1.0.3.jar:\ commons-collections-3.1.jar:\ log4j-1.2.8.jar:\ colt-1.0.3.jar \ edu.nwu.nemo.examples.MulticastAgent $@
The bootstrap agent requires only one parameter, a unique local port. A subscriber additionally needs the address of the bootstrap agent. Finally, a publisher requires a third parameter that specifies the packet send interval.