What we do
We conduct research on large-scale distributed systems and networking. Our approach is mainly experimental, focusing on the design, deployment and evaluation of systems that people use. Much of our work is guided by the unique perspective provided by devices at the edge of the Internet and captured through our users/collaborators who adopt and use our software. We are driven by a desire to provide solutions to real network and systems problems, while we also take pleasure in the scientific and engineering contributions that we make.
- Aug 02, 2017: Our paper, "Cell Spotting: Studying the Role of Cellular Networks in the Internet", by John Rula, Fabian Bustamante and Moritz Steiner, was accepted to IMC 2017!
- Apr 12, 2017: ScaleUphas over 1,200 active users! Measure your In-Flight WiFi experience and improve your Web browsing performance in the air!.
- Feb 29, 2016: WiFly is live! Measure your In-Flight WiFi experience.
In the Press
- Apr 06, 2017: Speed up slow web pages with this simple trick (NetworkWorld)
- Apr 06, 2017: ScaleUp: A Free Chrome Extension that Instantly Speeds Up In-flight Browsing (1redDrop)
- Apr 06, 2017: Google Chrome extension ScaleUp can make your in-flight Wi-Fi fly (NetworkWorld)
Our Blog: A view from the edge
Apr 04, 2018:
APNIC Guest Post: The role of cellular networks in the Internet
The growing key role of cellular networks for providing Internet connectivity in many places around the world makes the case for considering such networks as part of the critical infrastructure of these economies. An invited post for the APNIC blog.
Apr 09, 2015:
Getting in and out of Cuba
Change is coming to Cuba - Our early work on characterizing Cuba's Internet connectivity to appear at the next ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2015!
Apr 10, 2015:
Tracking your Application Time
Mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives, however, most of us have little idea how often and how long we are spending with these devices. Track your mobile phone habit by installing Application Time (AppT) today!